Hike Mentors

Along with familiarizing yourself with How to Lead a Hike, working alongside a Hike Mentor is a great place for new hike leaders to start.

Hike Mentors listed in alphabetical order below have volunteered to help prospective new hike leaders select, plan and scout hikes. They may also join the hike day to help support the new leader as needed.


 Ros Carol roscarol3@gmail.com 650-465-5118
 Ellen Gilman drellgil@gmail.com 925-639-8964
 Brian Healy briangm48@gmail.com 925-937-6895
 Betsy Mutter dbmutt@comcast.net 925-254-3831
 Mary Smith mary1641@icloud.com 541-815-2418


 Don Geahry djgeahry@yahoo.com 925-949-8233
 Marie Kahn marika1571@comcast.net  925-954-7494
 Arlene Pitman pitwhit@yahoo.com 925-323-6545
 Harriet Schwartz rossmoor3316@gmail.com  201-563-6019
 Anne Squire
 John Walkinshaw jwalkinshaw@sbcglobal.net 925-876-0728


 Doug Lins bb324doug@yahoo.com
 Kathleen Wicoff jkwicoff@sbcglobal.net 210-823-2970

Lucy Daggett

lldaggett25@yahoo.com  925-813-4263
Marcelle Welch marcelle.welch@gmail.com 305-812-2097
Shirley Wiegand jtjb@mac.com 850-728-2010

Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595

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