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Trails Club of Rossmoor

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Trails Club of Rossmoor Guest Waiver Form

I hereby acknowledge that I voluntarily seek to participate in events of the Trails Club of Rossmoor (“the Club”). To the best of my knowledge, I am physically fit at an appropriate level to participate in the planned activities. I am aware that the activities of the Club may be hazardous, involving risk of serious injury, death or property damage. In consideration of my participation in the activities offered by the Club, I understand and voluntarily assume this risk and for myself, my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

I hereby release, waive, discharge and relinquish any claim which may hereafter arise from the activities involved with the Club including but not limited to claims for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death. The Club and its appointed leaders are authorized to obtain whatever emergency first aid or medical treatment, or search and rescue reasonable and necessary for me in the event of my illness or injury. I agree to pay and will assume full financial responsibility for any amount not covered by my insurance. I also understand that the Club does not provide insurance coverage for drivers of, or passengers in, private vehicles. I have read, understand, and voluntarily agree to the above:

Guest Signature Date: ___________________________________________________________________________

Print name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________________________________

Phone #'s of emergency contact: __________________________________________________________________

Guest of: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Trails Club Member Signature Date: _________________________________________________________________

Trails Club Member Print: ____________________________________________________________________________

September 12, 2013 

Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595

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