Month prior to hike
- Select a date and location (location can be flexible if weather is a factor).
- Resources: Hike Mentors, AllTrails, links to area park info, past hikes you’ve enjoyed
- Scout with a mentor or co-leader, record: duration, distance, elevation, trail conditions, driving directions, bathroom and cell service availability. Record on AllTrails if possible.
- Send description to the Quarterly Captain including AllTrails link if recorded. Include the following:
- date and location
- hike Leader and co-leader if any
- duration (when you expect to return to Rossmoor)
- distance
- elevation gain
- trail and weather conditions expected
- bathroom availability
- what to bring (e.g. boots, poles, water, snacks/lunch, attire)
- driver Reimbursement
- a brief description of hike highlights (views, wildflowers, etc)
- Limit on # of Signups if any
Week prior to hike
- Re-scout to double check trail and weather conditions and driving directions
- Arrange to pick up radio(s) from Harriet Schwartz (201-563-6019).
- Organizing cookies or treats for group is appreciated, but not mandatory.
- Day prior to hike review Signup list on Club Calendar to check number of expected hikers and drivers.
- Print out driving directions.
Day of hike
8:30 - Arrive at Gateway
- Put out Sign Up Sheets and fill in Leader info and Hike location (Lock combo is #2232).
- Sign out First Aid Kit. It can be carried by Leader or any hike member.
8:45 - Circle up hiking group.
REMEMBER: Leader has discretion to refuse any hiker or guest unprepared or appearing unable to complete the hike in the time alloted.
- Double check all hikers appear physically able to complete the hike and have sufficient gear, water, etc.
- Count off - checking names against the Signup Sheet. Take the sheet with you on the hike for contact info.
- Make sure any Guest signs Waiver form and staple to Signup Form.
- Assign Sweep and pass along radio AND some to carry First Aid kit.
- Organize carpools and hand out driving directions to volunteer drivers. Remind drivers to have their cellphones turned on.
9:00 - Leave for Trailhead
At Trailhead
- Count off again to make sure everyone arrived.
- Review bathroom, snack and lunch distance and location(s).
- Start AllTrails recording or ask if any hikers can record for you.
- Review Guidelines for Hiking.
* Stop for water periodically. Hikers should consume a minimum of 8 ounces for each hour hiking and more during hot weather.
* Stop at all trail intersections to make sure everyone is aware of which trail is being taken.
* Stop for "bush" breaks if no restrooms are available.
* Stop for snack break mid-morning.
End of Hike
- Remind hikers of driver reimbursement.
- Save AllTrails recording if available.
Back at Gateway
- Fill out Incident Report on the back of the SignUp Sheet if any injuries or issues arose during hike and check box on the front of the form to alert the VP.
- Place completed Signup form and Incident Report, if any, in the wooden box.
- Return First Aid Kit and radio(s). Inform Hike Leader Training Coordinators if any materials need to be replaced.
- Send completed hike AllTrails recording to Quarterly Captain to load into Calendar for Hike Archive.